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  • Immagine del redattoreAlex Marco

A Turn Tweener Interview with Red Scorpion

Aggiornamento: 29 mar 2019

Recently, the staff at Turn Tweener Wrestling was granted a phenomenal opportunity as we had the chance to sit down and have a conversation with Italian pro wrestling star Red Scorpion! In the interview, we were given a glimpse into the life and career of Red Scorpion, including his goals for the Wrestling Megastar Federation and BTW. Continue reading to see how Red Scorpion responded to our questions!

Red Scorpion poses with PWM and PWE belts

TT: As someone who is not only an active professional wrestler, but

also, the founder of a professional wrestling promotion, what

advice would you give someone who is looking to break into the

world of professional wrestling?

RS: I think passion, sacrifice, and patience are the basic, fundamental

requirements. These three aspects can be a really good breeding

ground for a would-be pro wrestler. Find a good guide, a

good trainer, a good training school and get busy. Be curious

and never be afraid of asking questions to experienced

pro wrestlers and insiders. All these little seeds could be great

plants one day!

Ah, another thing……be humble and HAVE FUN!

TT: Although you’re still in your twenties, you’ve been wrestling now

for nearly 12 years. What is it like to have such a vast level of

experience in the pro wrestling world while still being so young?

RS: Sometimes experience is very subjective. Lots of people think

that I’m an experienced pro wrestler, others may think that I

don’t have so much experience at all.

The way I feel, I could say that I’ve just taken training wheels off

in order to ride without any help. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m

not belittling, I want to make you understand how many

things I can still learn about this wonderful discipline and the fact

I’m still young is a great benefit.

Red Scorpion with a DDT against Chris Mordetzky (aka Chris Masters)

TT: The professional wrestling scene throughout Europe has gained

a great deal of increased international exposure over the past 15

years. What do you believe the key to expanding the audience

for professional wrestling in Italy?

RS: Doing exactly what we’re doing and simply trying to do it better

and better.

In Italy and elsewhere, pro wrestling needs characters, great

good guys and great villains. Pro wrestling needs superheroes.

In Italy, there are really valuable pro wrestlers all over the

peninsula and believe me when I say that outside our country

they know about us.

TT: It may be early to ask this question, but what do you see

yourself doing after you eventually retire from in-ring

competition? Do you believe you will become a full-time

promoter, or will you find a calling outside the world of

professional wrestling?

RS: My goal is to stay in this world because I really love what I’m

doing. If I have a satisfying and successful career, I’ll be the

right man to promote and expand pro wrestling and create new

heroes. But, as you say, it’s too early now. Only time will tell.

TT: What International stars would you most like to see come to

compete at a BTW event?

RS: All the athletes who can be great opponents for me and for the

pro wrestlers successfully formed in BWT training school.

TT: What are the ideas behind the Wrestling Megastar Federation and

what is the federation plan in the recent future?

RS: The idea behind Wrestling Megastars is to pit the best european

and global pro wrestlers and the best italian ones.

Future plans are simples: more shows and increasingly big events!


Results: great pro wrestlers fighting in front of big stages. In

the end, both the athletes and the crowd must come back home

with the same feeling that we get when we read fairy tales. HAPPILY EVER AFTER



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